Recent NATE Teams Awarded Titles!

Fri, October 02, 2020 8:38 AM | Monica Pielage

Recent NATE Teams Awarded Titles!

Hooray for Eric and Jet from Washington on earning their Advanced Standard Title! Watch them quickly and easily bring in the required 8 balls. Jet pushes the balls with both nose and body but using just the right amount of force to keep them moving speedily and directly to the goal. Nicely done!

Congratulations to Kerrie from Australia and her two dogs. Sprocket’s accomplishments were announced out of order. He earned his Novice Standard title first before earning his Outstanding Novice Standard ribbon which is pictured in the photo below. Now is your opportunity to watch his first three Novice runs and see accurate steering, enthusiasm and nice teamwork. Solan has now earned his Advanced Standard Title. Watch him complete the required 8 balls with great speed and precision. What a show of energy and hard work from this veteran dog!

Let’s celebrate Eric and Jet from Washington on earning their Master Standard Title!  This is an impressive clean run. Watch Jet smoothly fly through all 8 balls with no slow downs!

Three cheers for Amanda and Poutine our first team from New Hampshire! They have received their Novice Standard Title after working through a back injury. They kept at it and now this extra small veteran can show how extra special she is. Nice team work!