Kudos for Titles!

Thu, September 22, 2022 11:59 AM | Chris Roeder (Administrator)

Debbi and Atom

Hip-hip-hooray for Debbi and Atom from Winnipeg, Canada for earning their Novice Standard title.  This new team is off to a great start and is such a fun team to watch as they make efficient use of their time.  Go Canada and Team Atom!  


Gerry and Gracie

Let’s give a big cheer for Gerry and Gracie from Oregon for earning their Novice Standard title.  Gracie has an amazing point ball retrieve where the ball barely touches the ground.  What a fun team to watch! Congratulations Team Gracie!


Tammy and Trixie

Congratulations go out to Tammy and Trixie from Indiana for earning their Novice Standard title.  Trixie is a straight shooter and this team makes efficient use of their time by not messing around.  Way to go Team Trixie!


Tammy and Chase

Two cheers for Tammy and Chase from Indiana for earning their Intermediate Standard and Balls N Order titles.  This team has been twice as busy conquering two new titles.  Great job Team Chase!
